Why are you bulimic or why are you struggling with food?


Why are you bulimic


This is a question that lots of us are wondering. However, the answer is never very clear nor striaght-forward.


You might think horrible things such as “I am broken“, “I can’t eat like other people without becoming obese“, etc. And this internal self talk doesn’t help you to get better, obviously. By talking to yourself like that, you re-enforce the idea that you’re ‘not normal’, that you can’t change because you’re ‘different’.


This is clearly what I was thinking when I was bulimic and I am sure this sounds familiar to you as well.


In this video I am explaining the main reason why you are bulimic or struggling with food + I invite you to take action towards a better life.


Like all human beings, you deserve health, happiness & freedom over food, so take this first action step today, watch this short video!


Why are you bulimic?




If you want results, you have to take action! Share in the comments below how your are restricting your food intake + one thing you can do this week to get better.


Don’t forget to check out the How to stop binge eating program beautiful. It’s awesome and it might just change your life!
