The Importance Of Yoga In Bulimia Recovery


Yoga In Bulimia Recovery


In this video, you will learn the importance of yoga in bulimia recovery. Even if I would recommend yoga to everyone, I deeply think it’s especially beneficial for people suffering from eating disorders and I will explain you why, in details, in this video.
Yoga has really helped me recover from my lifelong struggle with bulimia and I know it can help you too!


Watch this video to learn what’s the impact of yoga on your mind and on your body and why it’s so important to recover form any eating disorder.


You can also read the latest article I’ve written on this topic to complete what you’ll learn in the video.


As we all know, insight without action is useless, so CHALLENGE YOURSELF! Book some time to go to a yoga class & let me know how it has impacted your day in the comments below!


Then make sure you check out the new How To Stop Binge Eating online program. It’s awesome and I know you’ll love it.


The Importance Of Yoga In Bulimia Recovery


