How To Get What You Want In 2016…


reflecting on 2015


Each year, I like to take some time to reflect on the past year and set up my goals for the year ahead.


This not only allows me to be clear on where I want to go and define my objectives but I know it also helps me to reach my dreams quicker and easier.


I also recently read in a scientific article that knowing where you want to go in life, having a goal, a purpose, helps you live longer, healthier and happier… so here are plenty of good reasons to take some time to do so!


If I had to choose one word to describe my past year, I’d say…




After travelling the world for a few years, getting back to Europe and buying our first apartment has definitely created some stability in our lives.


Not to mention that I’m 34 weeks prenant to finish 2015, so thank god I feel stable πŸ˜€


But I am not sure which one creates the other. Is expecting a child forcing you to be (or at least feel) more stable or do you think about having a child because you feel more stable in the first place?


Even-tough we still managed to travel to 8 different countries in 2015 – yes, and our little one has already flown 14 times before even leaving the womb!!! – it didn’t feel so unsettling. Maybe because we stayed in Europe and that the culture changes weren’t that big than when we travelled to Australia, Asia and Europe, all in the same year.


But one thing is for sure, I feel that the more we travel, the more we feel ourselves at home anywhere we go, the quicker we learn and the easier we adapt and adjust to what’s happening around us…


Another big lesson I learned in 2015 is to…




Simplifying my life was probably the biggest work I’ve done in 2015. I’ve simplified my work, my relationships, my health, my schedule… in other words everything!


Even on social media I felt the need to simplify greatly and stopped posting updates and pictures every single day.


Results: even if it can be scary to simplify (I’ll tell you more about that in an upcoming post), I get out with much more time, peace of mind, mindfulness and a lot less stress than at the start of the year.


It’s not easy to simplify (more on that soon) but I’ll already challenge you to look at how and where you could simplify your life!


Maybe it’s just starting by spending less time on social media to free some space for more important things in your life such as your family and friends, creativity, exercising, meditating, etc…


Give Β it a try. I am sure you won’t regret!


To finish the year properly, I’ve created 2 play-sheets you can use to reflect on your 2015 and set up your goals and dreams for 2016.


Download those sheets below:


Reflecting on 2015

My 2016 dreams and goals



Your Turn Now!


What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned in 2015? Share it in the comments below because you know what?

By sharing it, you’ll learn even more from it!


Then share one thing you’d like to achieve in 2016. This will hold you accountable and by doing so, you’ll be half way there!



