Bulimia Recovery: The #1 Tip For Great Holidays


bulimia recovery


Here is the very first video of a new series of Video Blogs about how to stop binge eating and transform your life.


As we are starting the holiday season, I wanted to share with you one basic but super important tip to stay fresh and healthy over the holidays, especially if you are in bulimia recovery (or binge eating recovery or any other disordered eating issue recovery).


We all know too well that the holiday season is all around food and often full of the not so healthy food. This simple but efficient tip will definitely help you to feel better and enjoy this special period even more!


Here is the #1 Tip for Bulimia Recovery



Now, I’d love to hear from you! What are your tips to stay healthy over the holidays? What are your tricks to feel great and satisfied?


Share your experience in the comments below to help and inspire others!


And don’t forget to check out my brand new Make Peace With Food, Change Your Life online program 😉

