Gut health for vibrant health and eating disorder recovery

Learn why you should start to address gut health if you'd like to get started with recovery and create vibrant sustainable health for yourself

Eating disorder Recovery VLOG – 


Gut health for vibrant health and eating disorder recovery

Last week’s episode was all about understanding the mechanism behind binge eating and why it tends to spiral out of control after a while.

Also, in that episode, you have learned why this was not your fault or due to a lack of willpower.


This week, as promised, we are diving straight into your digestion and gut health.

Why is it so important to address that specific thing if you want to reach any health goal you set up for yourself. From eating disorder recovery to a healthy weight to vibrant health and endless energy, your gut’s health is the starting point if you want to take power over your health.

And eating disorders are no exception.


This is why in this episode we will go more deeply into that topic.

After that video, you will have a clear view and understanding of what’s happening in your guy, how it impacts your immune system, your digestion, and your general health.


Please let me know your thoughts in the comments below the video. I would absolutely love to hear from you!

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Now I’d love to hear from you!

What are your burning questions when it comes to bulimia and eating disorders recovery? Do you want me to address any particular topic?

If so, please let me know in the comments below and I’ll make sure to take your questions into consideration for the next ones!


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